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About Us

The Maryland-Delaware Forage Council was organized in 1983 to serve as a forum for forages and grasslands in both states and to serve as the integrator and coordinator of the numerous businesses, organizations, and service agencies associated with the forage industry. We are an affiliate of the American Forage & Grassland Council.




  • To promote the profitable production, marketing, and use of forage as a prime feed resource for efficient livestock production.


  • To provide a forum for farmers, agribusiness representatives, and public agency personnel to consider and make recommendations on general issues that affect the forage industry.


  • To encourage industries and organizations serving agriculture to provide the best available products and information for optimum production, evaluation, marketing, and use of forage.


  • To identify needs and encourage expanded and intensified research and education related to forage production, evaluation, marketing, and use.


  • To promote the use of forage legumes in crop rotations as a source of nitrogen for succeeding crops.


  • To promote the agricultural and environmental benefits and value of forage crops, grazing lands, and other grasslands for their roles in conserving soil and water and abating pollution.


  • To provide leadership in forage and grassland activities in Maryland and Delaware.


  • To cooperate with other organizations promoting modern technologies of forage and grassland agriculture and encourage joint programs when desirable for most effective results.






Jarrod Miller, President

Amanda Grev, Vice President

Ben Beale, Secretary

Mark Townsend, Treasurer

Jack Welch

Robert Dinsmore

David Boniface

David Hunsberger

Kenneth Stonesifer

Bruce Culver

Charlie Sasscer

Claire Snyder




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